Saturday, November 15, 2008

Harris (1974), "India's Sacred Cows"

In "India's Sacred Cows", Harris investigates into the phenomenon that people in India refuse to eat beef from the sacred cows which can be found almost everywhere, even though they are starving to death. He points out that the culture of not eating cows is highly related to the importance of the role of cows in the low-energy, small-scale and animal-based agricultural system in India, as killing cows for consumption would give a higher economic loss in the long-run. Inexplicable cultural patterns are indeed created to be everyday strategies for human survival, no matter consciously or unconsciously.

I find Harris's illustration of cultural ecology using the example of the sacred cows in India very plausible. It is interesting to see how culture is affected by its adaptation to the environment. The culture that we have accepted as a norm and have been living with is actually a product of the everyday strategies for our own survival being pressed by our ecosystem. Adopting this perspective, a lot of seemingly unexplainable cultural norms can be interpreted in a way which is highly applicable and closely related to our daily lives. For example, Muslims and Jews do not eat pork due to the uncleanliness associated with pigs and most of the religions impose sexual restrictions by different codes of sexual morality.

Back in the old days, there were serious health concerns about pork-eating. As we all know now, eating pork which is raw or not fully-cooked might cause trichinosis. In the past where the quality of cooking fuel was poor and the design of cooking stove was not that advanced as well as with the setting of poorer hygiene conditions, pork could not be cooked thoroughly, usually with the problem of poor and uneven heating. So it led people to derive a divine meaning behind the relationship between pork eating and trichinosis. Moreover, pig-rearing is not considered to be economical. Pigs require water and shady woods, and they do not graze on grass. In places like Middle East where these two religions originated, the climiate is dry and arable land is scarce, let alone the area of shady woods and meadow present. Therefore, the pigs compete with humans land and food. Thus, pork-eating is restricted as a dietary law in the two religions to help ensure survival of people living there.

Another prominent example of cultural ecology is the sexual restrictions imposed by almost all of the religions. Most of them, such as Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, consider sexual intercourse as a pursuit of sensual pleasure as sinful and undesirable. Sexual intercourse should have the ends of the production of offspring and it should only be carried out after marriage. Indeed, it has a huge implification ecologically. In the old days, the technology of contraception and abortion was not advanced. There was still a high chance of pregnancy even when the primitive form of contraception was used. Yet, sexual urge exists and it is a part of the biological responses of human beings. Therefore, some codes of conduct had to be created to regulate people's sexual activities so that they feel compelled to follow due to the pressure of morality and the associated punishments. Or else, there would be a rapid increase in human population that the environment cannot sustain due to limited food and space for inter-competition. Therefore, this cultural restriction by religions can be viewed as a survival strategy in natural environment too.

It is also interesting that how Christianity condemns the use of birth prevention and this fact further exemplifies that these religious codes were designed for population control. As it is already established in christianity that sexual intercourse should only be carried out after marriage and to produce offpsring, the prohibition of the use of birth prevention further ensures the balance of population by preventing low birth dates.

I find that a lot of examples illustrating cultural ecology can be found in the context of religions. After all, as many of these cultural patterns are inexplicable yet require a big population to follow in order to elicit the desired effect, religion serves as the best instrument as an influential authority.

Merton (1957), "Manifest and Latent Functions"

In "Manifest and Latent Functions", Merton states that sociologists examine planned social practice to ascertain the latent functions. Only by studying both the anticipated and unintended consequences of a social practice, the prevailing pattern of practice could be explained. If the latent functions are removed from the practice, the pattern would be severely changed, as illustrated by Veblen in the pattern of conspicuous consumption.

The concept of manifest and latent functions in analyzing what we do is generally true in the world around us. There are always times that we find unexpected consequences which we do not intend when committing the act in all sorts of contexts. First, at a personal level, when we see an old lady getting on a crowded subway, we give our seats to her. Though our intention to give up the seat for her might be solely due to our sympathy and loving heart, hoping not to see the lady stand and squeeze with others with weak knees, there are certainly "latent" functions by giving up the seat. Others would praise us for our good deeds and we would gain a fulfilling sense of satisfaction from the compliments. A good image and impression of us could also be established, as helping the needy is socially desirable.

Extending to a societal level, examples of manifest and latent functions are also present. The manifest function of violent comics and video games is to provide a channel for venting anger and satisfying violent desires in a virtual world as a form of entertainment. However, the latent function could also be inducing imitation of violence in real life by the players. The Japanese stabbing rampage over the summer recently illustrates the idea of manifest and latent functions too. A man who was sick and tired of life went on a stabbing rampage in Tokyo intending to express frustration towards life. But unrecognized consequences came up as he set an example encouraging imitation- another Japanese woman went on a stabbing spree a month later and Japanese police had been discovering people threatening to commit similar random murders on the Internet. In Freakonomics, Levitt's theory on the legalization of abortion bringing a drastic crime drop, though controversial, further exemplifies the manifest and latent functions. While the manifest function of legalizing abortion was to assure women's rights to decide whether to terminate their pregnancies or not, the latent consequence of crime drop came out as mothers without ability to support the rearing of a child could now decide not to have the child. For these mothers, they have a limited access to sufficient resources to raise their children, such as provision of education, making the kids more vulnerable to hardships in life and engagement in criminal activities.

From the above examples, it can be concluded that latent functions are not necessarily desirable. But when the unintended consequence is discovered to be desirable, the distinction between manifest and latent functions starts to become obscure. Take the pattern of conspicuous consumption in the reading as an example: its latent function "results in a heightening or reaffirmation of social status". As time goes, this latent function would become generally recognized in the society. Then, this "unintended" consequence which has gained familiarity would provide a new incentive for people to commit the act, which in turn becomes a planned consequence and by definition, a manifest function.

In readings such as Berger's, we learnt that the work of sociologists is to debunk what seems natural and obvious is actually social construction. Now in Merton's view, the unfamiliar and unintended latent functions belong to the layer under those which are generally accepted as obvious, and they await us to be debunked.


I feel like it's time to add some intellectual writings to my blog. And I thought, since I have been writing journals for my soc class every week, why not put them up here to add a slight intellectual taste to this deserted blog? This is a Friday night that I am sitting at home peacefully. No party, yet no intention to read. So it is a good chance. Yes!

Friday, September 12, 2008

i just have a very scary thought inside me. i'm reading how finagling is at work in scientific researches under unconsciousness. i thought about how i did my lab, my research project during intern, the blogging research project in alevels, i remembered that i did try to put weight on favourable data to support my desirable findings. so i started to contemplate on the role of human nature on science. i wonder if all the scientists in the past have this inevitable mindset. well, after all, they are human too, aren't they? perhaps all the debates and controversies only arise from their prejudices. actually in reality, if scientific studies are conducted in a really unbiased way, we might find that things are random in the world. and they do not point to any particular direction. and perhaps, this would give us an answer of whether the Greatness is up there.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Wake me up when september ends...

"Wake Me Up When September Ends" Green Day

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends

like my fathers come to pass
seven years has gone so fast
wake me up when september ends

here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are

as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends

summer has come and passed
the innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends

ring out the bells again
like we did when spring began
wake me up when september ends

here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are

as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends

like my father's come to pass
twenty years has gone so fast
wake me up when september ends
wake me up when september ends
wake me up when september ends

i feel like it's the perfect time to post this :P you wont actually believe it, i have constantly reminded myself to make a blog post of this song at the end of september. and now, i make it! : )

it's now the end of sept, it's raining outside (i hear it, the rain is hitting the ground really hard), "seven years has gone so fast" is exactly what i wanted to say, and green day sang it out for me.

i still rmb my first day in st stephens, it was raining so hard. i stepped into school through the garden gate, struggling with my umbrella and seeking my way to enter the mysteriously ancient building at the same time. and i still, i mean, i really still remember that i asked myself a very stupid question: how long are these seven years gonna be?

so, the answer is now here. and whenever i think about it, i can't imagine that, i had been travelling from home to bonham road/park road/lyttelton road like almost everyday in 7 years. it didnt seem THAT long.

so, it means that, 4 years isnt that long after all. we will see.

p.s. every blog of mine is deserted. i still havent made up my mind on which one i am using. i dont feel very secure using blogger and introvert_dom, but then i dont want to be so isolated using the friend-locked one which i only friended nadine in that blog hahaha :P

Monday, June 18, 2007

Just wondering...

will i end up being an econ major?

Saturday, June 9, 2007

The probability of getting an unique blog address

i actually spent a few days trying to register for a nice address. you know, because i really don't want to disclose any personal information in the address. but the process was a lot tougher than i had ever imagined.

i kicked off trying not available

it's really a hit. coz i really love the song and the lyrics and also the title.

okay so i tried another. this time, i opened my playlist and saw hoobastank's the reason.

great, i love this song too. so i tried not available

for the next few minutes, i kept keying the titles of songs on my playlist. just to name a few here:

but sadly, all unavailable.

after the repeated failures of the trials of the names of songs, i kinda gave up and i took out a dictionary. so i adopted the policy that i would just randomly pick a page, and then a word.

some more examples of the trials:

still, not available.

then, i was desperate enough to pick up my biology notes on my desk, and continued to try:

what world, still unavailable.

and then, i suddenly rmb a term which i came across a few days ago, when mum asked me to search about glycosamine (a diet supplement which she is taking now, an importnat component of cartilage), and wikipedia says there's a controversy over the use of glycosamine because of its unknown effectiveness. it describes an experiment and it says sth like... "the control group under placebo response". the always curious me, of course, clicked and wanted to learn more about it. so here it is:

"A placebo is a preparation which is pharmacologically inert but which may have a medical effect based solely on the power of suggestion, a response known as the placebo effect or placebo response. It may be administered through ingestion, injection, inhalation, insertion into a body cavity, or applied topically.[1]

The term placebo effect (as distinct from the more correct term placebo response) was introduced by T. C. Graves in 1920 "because it is the subject that has the subject-centred response. It is not the administered substance that generates the observed effect." Sometimes known as non-specific effects or subject-expectancy effects, a so-called placebo effect occurs when a patient's symptoms are altered in some way (i.e., alleviated or exacerbated) by an otherwise inert treatment, due to the individual expecting or believing that it will work. Some people consider this to be a remarkable aspect of human physiology; others consider it to be an illusion arising from the way medical experiments are conducted."

knowing that i have a strong affection towards medicine, there's no need explaining uh? was taken, so.... yeah.