Friday, September 28, 2007

Wake me up when september ends...

"Wake Me Up When September Ends" Green Day

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends

like my fathers come to pass
seven years has gone so fast
wake me up when september ends

here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are

as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends

summer has come and passed
the innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends

ring out the bells again
like we did when spring began
wake me up when september ends

here comes the rain again
falling from the stars
drenched in my pain again
becoming who we are

as my memory rests
but never forgets what I lost
wake me up when september ends

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
wake me up when september ends

like my father's come to pass
twenty years has gone so fast
wake me up when september ends
wake me up when september ends
wake me up when september ends

i feel like it's the perfect time to post this :P you wont actually believe it, i have constantly reminded myself to make a blog post of this song at the end of september. and now, i make it! : )

it's now the end of sept, it's raining outside (i hear it, the rain is hitting the ground really hard), "seven years has gone so fast" is exactly what i wanted to say, and green day sang it out for me.

i still rmb my first day in st stephens, it was raining so hard. i stepped into school through the garden gate, struggling with my umbrella and seeking my way to enter the mysteriously ancient building at the same time. and i still, i mean, i really still remember that i asked myself a very stupid question: how long are these seven years gonna be?

so, the answer is now here. and whenever i think about it, i can't imagine that, i had been travelling from home to bonham road/park road/lyttelton road like almost everyday in 7 years. it didnt seem THAT long.

so, it means that, 4 years isnt that long after all. we will see.

p.s. every blog of mine is deserted. i still havent made up my mind on which one i am using. i dont feel very secure using blogger and introvert_dom, but then i dont want to be so isolated using the friend-locked one which i only friended nadine in that blog hahaha :P

Monday, June 18, 2007

Just wondering...

will i end up being an econ major?

Saturday, June 9, 2007

The probability of getting an unique blog address

i actually spent a few days trying to register for a nice address. you know, because i really don't want to disclose any personal information in the address. but the process was a lot tougher than i had ever imagined.

i kicked off trying not available

it's really a hit. coz i really love the song and the lyrics and also the title.

okay so i tried another. this time, i opened my playlist and saw hoobastank's the reason.

great, i love this song too. so i tried not available

for the next few minutes, i kept keying the titles of songs on my playlist. just to name a few here:

but sadly, all unavailable.

after the repeated failures of the trials of the names of songs, i kinda gave up and i took out a dictionary. so i adopted the policy that i would just randomly pick a page, and then a word.

some more examples of the trials:

still, not available.

then, i was desperate enough to pick up my biology notes on my desk, and continued to try:

what world, still unavailable.

and then, i suddenly rmb a term which i came across a few days ago, when mum asked me to search about glycosamine (a diet supplement which she is taking now, an importnat component of cartilage), and wikipedia says there's a controversy over the use of glycosamine because of its unknown effectiveness. it describes an experiment and it says sth like... "the control group under placebo response". the always curious me, of course, clicked and wanted to learn more about it. so here it is:

"A placebo is a preparation which is pharmacologically inert but which may have a medical effect based solely on the power of suggestion, a response known as the placebo effect or placebo response. It may be administered through ingestion, injection, inhalation, insertion into a body cavity, or applied topically.[1]

The term placebo effect (as distinct from the more correct term placebo response) was introduced by T. C. Graves in 1920 "because it is the subject that has the subject-centred response. It is not the administered substance that generates the observed effect." Sometimes known as non-specific effects or subject-expectancy effects, a so-called placebo effect occurs when a patient's symptoms are altered in some way (i.e., alleviated or exacerbated) by an otherwise inert treatment, due to the individual expecting or believing that it will work. Some people consider this to be a remarkable aspect of human physiology; others consider it to be an illusion arising from the way medical experiments are conducted."

knowing that i have a strong affection towards medicine, there's no need explaining uh? was taken, so.... yeah.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Breaking the virginity of

GREAT. mission finally accomplished. (mind you, it is a "finally") finally created a blog on blogger, so to take a break from the hustle and bustle in xanga.

it is actually quite interesting. i started my blogging life by registering one on blogger back in the SARS period, and then also during that period, xanga rose among us. (not surprising, what can we all possibly do during class suspension?) as a writer, i also possess the psychology of all other normal bloggers- i have a thirst for readers. considering the fact that blogger hasnt been popular among hk teenagers, i chose to move and embrace xanga, abandoning my poor but now, i am moving back, i want a more personal space for myself, to write, to reflect, and to really be myself. so that i dont have to pause everytime i finish a sentence, completing a multiperspective analysis of whether this word would offend this person, and that word would offend that person.

and privacy is also another thing. perhaps i'm just too paranoid. yes, i enabled friends lock, but still i feel so insecure, perhaps my existing subscribers can still read my xanga from the subscription tab (yeah, some subscribers are unwelcome) but well, in terms of privacy features, xanga certainly beats blogger. this blog here is actually MORE public than the one i am having in xanga, hahaha but don't know why i'm just feeling more secure here.

long time no write. and you see, i cant actually express what i intend to say. deteriorating language ability. hahaha i ought to write later! i SHOULD definitely write about my hardship of registering this address! i've tried a zillion times man! haha maybe next time!
