Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Breaking the virginity of placeboresponse.blogspot.com

GREAT. mission finally accomplished. (mind you, it is a "finally") finally created a blog on blogger, so to take a break from the hustle and bustle in xanga.

it is actually quite interesting. i started my blogging life by registering one on blogger back in the SARS period, and then also during that period, xanga rose among us. (not surprising, what can we all possibly do during class suspension?) as a writer, i also possess the psychology of all other normal bloggers- i have a thirst for readers. considering the fact that blogger hasnt been popular among hk teenagers, i chose to move and embrace xanga, abandoning my poor blogspot.com. but now, i am moving back, i want a more personal space for myself, to write, to reflect, and to really be myself. so that i dont have to pause everytime i finish a sentence, completing a multiperspective analysis of whether this word would offend this person, and that word would offend that person.

and privacy is also another thing. perhaps i'm just too paranoid. yes, i enabled friends lock, but still i feel so insecure, perhaps my existing subscribers can still read my xanga from the subscription tab (yeah, some subscribers are unwelcome) but well, in terms of privacy features, xanga certainly beats blogger. this blog here is actually MORE public than the one i am having in xanga, hahaha but don't know why i'm just feeling more secure here.

long time no write. and you see, i cant actually express what i intend to say. deteriorating language ability. hahaha i ought to write later! i SHOULD definitely write about my hardship of registering this address! i've tried a zillion times man! haha maybe next time!


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